Thaksin Shinawatra
+5884He is the great corruptionist and using his richness to get permanent power. Also he tries hard to rule all of power in democracy system, parliament, government, and court by changing the current constitution for him and his relatives.
+4708Killed over 2, 000 innocents to fight against drugs, betrayed his own country by persuading a country close-by to invade into the northeast part of Thailand just for his own petroleum investment business purpose.
+4337He is one of the most stupid guy forever that chose the wrong side to be the prime minister of the most beautiful country as thailand. Just the first decision that he made, everything has been destroyed until now and only words that can say are ' he is the cold blood monster ever and ever.
2Yingluck Shinawatra
+3576Most stupid Thai, The first only one leader who visit more than 50 country around the world within 2 years
+3183She is stupid of both Thai & English languages.
+3174She is puppetry of her brother.
3Adolf Hitler
+177Adolf Hitler was a crazy man. Thought only of himself and world domination. Seriously, nothing is more messed up than that. But seriously, George W. Bush? If I had to choose between sane and insane, I'd choose sane hands down. Hitler was EVIL. George Bush should be shoved out of the way to make some room for Hitler. Hitler is beyond worthy of the number one award for the Worst World Leader. Hitler, bow down for your fans as they applause your no where near nice personality that will break mirrors.
+110Hitler was an insane, maniacal mass murderer with a country behind him who did little to stop him no matter how bad things got.
No leader can do such things as he did without the complicity of many others.
No leader can do such things as he did without the complicity of many others.
+91He's under bush? People can be stupid as H* sometimes. Holocaust? Taking over world? Hmm, which one is worst, a U.S. president who is sane, or an insane, power hungry, jew hating maniac?
4Hun Sen
+544He is a good friend with Thaksin. These guy know only how to make money and benefits for their family and friends ( who return the benefits) by taking the advantage of the country.
+427This guy is dictator!
+412A good example of devil...
5Kim Jong II
+107His family has controlled everything in North Korea only to please themselves but not North Korean people. Korean has been divided for many decades. Families have been separated and if someone dare to escape out of the country, people behind them will be killed. What on earth this can be called a country! Please free the people. We are in the 21st century! Human can walk in the space now. All the thing that Kim Jong II and his followers have done can not be legal at all!
+85I feel sorry for the people who live in North Korea because He brainwash almost everyone from birth to Adulthood. The people see him as a divine god rather than a corrupt leader that he truly is.
+86Everyday I'll bet Koreans wake up and wonder, "Jesus what is he gonna do today!? "
6Saddam Hussein
+15The maniac who Invaded Iran, Kuwait and said that" Jews, Persians ( Iranians) and Flies are useless" deserves to be on the top of this list.
+10one of the worst leaders and most notorius criminals in the world
7Osama Bin Laden
+20Yeah I realize bin laden isn't one of the worst - but I'm saying this because of the tragic date that is 9/11.. A bloke that never shaves and is always in pajamas did this.. Ok jokes aside he was VERY bad.. By the way.. Surprised that colonel Gaddafi ain't on the list..
+15Maybe he only killed 30,000 but he wrecked the world trade towers. And ruined part of the pentagon. Why is osama only 12th put him in the list on maybe 8th or 6th. Gosh, I disaggre with this.
+10Why did he do such mean and stupid thingd. I can't even think that he killed his own sons and family to commit suicide and cause terrorist attacks.
8Kim Jong-Un
+50The adventures of kim jong un
Directed and written by kim jong un
Directed and written by kim jong un
+22The Great Killer. He kills even his relatives
"What kind of cake is this"
9Abhisit Vejjajiva
-3Liars, murderer, killed the 99 peaceful protester and more than 2000 injured. Elite's puppet government with the largest corruption ever happened in Thailand history.
-2He s a liar, just speak no action. He s cruel and murder, killed almost 100 people during he was prime minister. He is the fakest one in Thailand. Most Thai hate and irritate him.
-1The best liar, killer, murder.
10Pol Pot
+38Hitler and Stalin might be evil, but at least Hitler got Germany out of the recession and Stalin modernized Russia. As bad as the other leaders were, I don't think anyone would match up to Pol Pot. Other dictators might be evil, but Pol Pot was an idiot who almost threw Cambodia back to the stone ages.
+32Killing 1/3 of your people doesn't fulfill the service aspect of the job of leader
+9He is the worst leader in the world